Multitasking on Steroids

I have a confession to make.  I’m having a hard time getting my work done these days.  At first I joked with my friends that perhaps I had adult onset A.D.D., but secretly I worried that maybe it was true.

All kidding aside, it doesn’t take a doctor to diagnose what’s wrong.  With the constant barrage of email, texting, IMing, tweeting, blogging, cell phones and other distractions, it’s no wonder I feel far less productive today than I did five year ago.

That’s why I really love this article that appears in today’s Inc. blog espousing a new way to juggle my schedule so I can better manage my time.

The gist of it is to identify categories of activities I do every day, such as emailing, phone calls, marketing, tweeting, writing, client meetings, etc. then break my day into blocks of time that I assign for these categories.  During these times, it’s important to turn off the phones, email, Twitter, etc. to stay focused and be productive.

Tomorrow will be my first day on this new system.  I hope I can make it work.  If so, I actually will have more time to post blogs and tweets!

–Mara Conklin

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